Precision Assembly Services That Shorten & Simplify Your Entire Production Process

If you have limited internal resources or need an expert in precision assembly, rely on Westlake Tool & Die. We’re uniquely equipped to handle all of your project’s finishing touches—regardless of complexity—because we care about the details and have experience assembling products for many industries.

Some of the industry-specific assemblies we’ve done in-house include:

  • Sections of conveyor belt systems for canning, bottling and packaging
  • Refrigeration and air conditioning systems for food processors
  • HVAC components
  • Fixtures for the plumbing industry
  • Parts used in washers, dryers, stoves and refrigerators
  • Safety and braking mechanisms for lawn equipment
  • Transformer components
  • Brake components for single-engine planes
You benefit from our assembly services by getting the precise final products you need in a shorter amount of time. Meanwhile, your internal resources remain free to concentrate on critical business functions like selling.

Precision Assembly Requires Disciplined Processes & Complementary Services

Westlake Tool & Die can handle your precise assembly operations and all of the complementary services that help ensure precision prior to and after assembly—from part management and sourcing to packaging, warehousing and shipping.

Our internal processes allow us to offer customers complete flexibility. We can:

  • Use our extensive supplier database to purchase any high-quality ancillary good your product may need (or use the ancillary goods sourced by you)
  • Maintain a detailed bill of materials (BOM) for each of your products, ensuring you only need to worry about the purchase of the final product
  • Package your product to exact specifications
  • Source printed materials, such as directions or operating manuals, and include them in the packaging

After your finished products are assembled and packaged to spec, we can either ship directly to your facility or warehouse products at Westlake Tool & Die until you’re ready for them. Each customer has the option to use our facility as a warehouse and distribution center (local customers even get no-cost deliveries). When your most essential parts and products are stored safely and securely at Westlake Tool & Die, you will greatly reduce your inventory levels—and your overhead.

By having us handle all of your contract manufacturing and assembly services, you can greatly reduce your lead times, spend less on inventory management and on-hand inventory, lower your overall shipping costs and create a greater cash flow for business.

Contact Us

1280 Moore Road Avon, OH 44011

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